Let Us Walk You Through
MetaTrader5 (MT5) is a trading platform software dedicated to forex,derivatives,futures,stock,CFD trading developed by Metaquotes company since 2009 and it’s the ONLY Main Label product on sale in Metaquotes(No more MT4 Main Label on sale)
MT5 Grey Label means renting a part of usage right from a White Label user.The advantage of Grey Label is LOWER set up fee than White Label;No need technical operation.It’s suitable to startup brokers with limited budget and Introducing Broker(IB)to start their business.
MT5 Grey Label is suitable to brokers who directly trade with clients in B-book model only.
$Pricing:Main Label>White Label>Grey Label
A Full Set of MT5 Grey Label includes:
We can provide start-up company customers with either a full set of MT5 grey label package or a single part according to clients’ diverse requirement.